Windows 10 compatibility

When you run Codeminion games in fullscreen mode on Windows 10, you might encounter a problem with blank or flickering display. This is caused by the changes Microsoft introduced with Windows 10, and affects many older games that use Directx 8 technology, including Saqqarah, Brunhilda and Phantasmat. Other Codeminion games are not prone to this problem and should run fine on Windows 10. Here we present two possible workarounds that you can use until Microsoft decides to fix this.

Solution 1 – play in window mode

The most simple solution is to switch the game to window mode. To do this, press ALT and ENTER keys simultaneously after you run the game. If you wish to play in fullscreen mode on Windows 10, please try solution 2.

Solution 2 – use DX8 to DX9 converter

There are already utilites that can switch the game from using DX8 to using DX9 (which works fine on Windows 10). We recommend that you use ENB series converter, which can be downloaded from the official ENB series website, or from our server. To use the converter, you just need to unpack the contents of the archive (47kb) into the game folder (the files should placed next to the game exe file, i.e. Saqqarah.exe). When you run the game, everything should now work fine.

4 Responses to Windows 10 compatibility

  1. Carol Johnson says:

    I downloaded Saqqarah on Windows 10. It played for the one hour demo, but I am unable to either purchase it or delete it from my computer. Help!

    • Maciej Biedrzycki says:

      Sorry for the problems. Our company is shutting down. You can still purchase our games at If you don’t see Saqqarah in Settings->Applications, just go to C:\My Games\Saqqarah and run uninst.exe.

  2. Amanda K Landry says:

    Why can’t you just update Stoneloops to work on Windows 10??? Not everyone knows how to do all this work around stuff! 🙁

  3. Linda Emmart says:

    I loved Saqqarah for years and still do! Amazon has a download now for it. Thank you for years of quality, thought, and great customer care!

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