All good things come to an end

As many of you already know, Codeminion team disbanded many years ago, and the company has been in a suspended state. Last month, we decided it’s time to pull the plug and officially close the business. It’s been a wild ride for us and we’ve learned a lot, but we already moved on to other exciting ventures.

We would like to thank all of you for supporting us! It really amazes us that so many of you are still playing and remembering our games even after all these years. Thank you! Making games for you was a joy 🙂

We’ll be keeping the website up for some time, but if want to keep playing our games, please do make backups of the installers and your registration keys as we have no way to retrieve them. The store has been offline for many years now and we can no longer offer any support services.

Some of our games are still available for purchase at

Thank you and take care!
Maciej & Konrad

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